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You may be alive but I am most certainly dead. The Earth was destroyed. I was on it. A person can only survive the end of the world so many times. I'm sure I've used up my quota"A kind feminine voice seemed to be talking to him from both sides at once. "Arthur, please get up."Despite his better judgment, Arthur opened his eyes. He saw Tricia McMillan looked down at him with concern on his left. He also saw Trillian looking down with concern at him on his right. Or perhaps that was the other way around?He sighed very deeply and sat up. He saw that he was on a spaceship. He had been on enough of them to recognize one when saw one. Several large view screens lined up on the walls. A couple of keyboard-like control panels scattered about. The floor had a slight vibration to it, probably from the engine."Damn." He said. Trillian and Tricia helped him to his feet. They both regard him with some concern, and then they left to occupy seats that were conveniently located in front of some of. Once at the beach she took both pairs of panties from me and said to strip before I can have my swimsuit. So Igot all the way down to my boxers and asked for the towel to block the view from the nearby boats and drivers on the highway above. "That's not how this works, you want my help exposing yourself and feeling helpless through my ideas and control? Then this is how I want it to be. I know your excited i can see your tent." "Your right." Off came the boxers. "Hand them to me." Standing naked on a beach in view of about maybe 15 people none closer than 500ft. I handed them to her. "Thanks. Stay." She walked to where the rest of our stuff was about 30ft away leaving me completely naked and exposed. She slowly walked back to me and handed me a pair of panties to put on. "There ya go, Put these on." I got them on quickly only to find out they where the small size. She walked back to the backpack that had my stuff in it and locked the zipper with a small travel lock. "There now you.
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